Rude Slots

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Table games have plenty of unspoken rules and etiquette.

Here are some examples:

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  • Avoid coaching other blackjack players on strategy.
  • Don’t say “seven” at the craps table.
  • Never bend or rip cards at an American baccarat table (they only allow this in Asia).
  • Avoid talking to a hot craps shooter.
  • Always be courteous to dealers at any table game.

You may just feel like playing slot machines when considering the many taboos involved with table games. After all, you can behave however you want on slots, right?

A slot machine seems like the perfect place to act in any manner you desire. It’s just you and the machine, so it doesn’t seem like you can offend other players.

However, even slots feature some etiquette that’s worth noting. That said, you want to avoid the following 7 jerky moves.

1 – Chatting With Gamblers Who Don’t Seem Interested in Talking

Slot machines aren’t known for featuring a heavy social element. However, you can strike up a conversation with your friend or even a nearby stranger.

Some gamblers are completely receptive of chatting with you while they’re spinning the reels. You can tell who’s willing to talk based on certain cues.

However, others choose slots because they want to gamble alone. These same people aren’t interested in talking with you throughout a session.

Just because you’re in a chatty mood doesn’t mean everybody else has to be. You should respect other gamblers if they’re giving off vibes that they don’t feel like socializing.

Assuming you want to talk with other players, the blackjack, craps, and mini baccarat tables are perfect for this purpose.

2 – Playing Two Machines Simultaneously on a Crowded Day

If you’re in the mood for more action, you might spin the reels on two slot machines at once. Doing so gives you double chances to win and offers more excitement than playing one game alone.

But you should forgo this luxury when a casino is extremely crowded. After all, your extra machine could be one of the few other games in the casino.

Gambling establishments are busiest in the evenings and on weekends. Thousands of players may be on the gambling floor depending upon the casino’s size.

You want to be on high alert during the evening and on weekends before attempting to play two machines simultaneously. You should only occupy two games when the casino is lightly crowded and shows no signs of picking up anytime soon.

3 – Trying to Coax a Player off Your Favorite Slot Machine

Here’s a common scenario: you go to the casino hoping to play your favorite game or the latest slot only to see that the machine is taken.

Casinos can only order so many of the trendiest machines. Therefore, you’ll be shut out of these games from time to time.

What you shouldn’t do, though, is try talking somebody off of a machine. This is most-irritating thing you can do to fellow slots players. If a gambler felt like leaving the machine, then the seat would be open already.

The best thing you can do is take a seat at a nearby game and watch the machine that you’re interested in. Once the gambler leaves for good, you can swoop in and start playing.

4 – Playing on a Slot Machine That’s Obviously Being Saved

You’ll come across slot machines here and there that are saved by an absent gambler. You may see a cardigan or even a sign indicating that the game is taken.

This situation can be frustrating, especially if it involves the game that you really want to play. It’s even more annoying when the gambler is taking forever to return.

However, you must give the player the benefit of the doubt. You don’t want to just sit down in the seat and begin playing because you feel like it.

A slots player has a right to visit the bathroom without losing their seat. Casinos recognize this right and will help the player get their game back if they complain.

Assuming you think that a gambler is taking an unreasonable amount of time, you can complain to a casino employee. Or, you can simply wait and see if an employee will free up the game.

Sometimes workers do this automatically if they notice that a player has been absent for too long. After all, empty seats mean lost revenue for the casino.

5 – Asking Players How Much They’ve Won or Lost

Rude Slots

Referring back to the first point, you’ll find that some gamblers are receptive to chatting. You may eventually feel comfortable asking the same players various questions about themselves and other topics.

But one question what you should undoubtedly refrain from is asking how much money they’ve won or lost during a session.

First off, this inquiry comes off as extremely tacky. You wouldn’t ask a stranger how much money they make in a year. The same condition should apply to discussing slots wins and losses with a stranger.

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You may come off as a creep who’s looking to rob a big slots winner in the parking lot. Or, the gambler may be smiling through a major losing session and not feel like talking about their losses.

6 – Bragging About How Much You’ve Won

Slot machines are volatile games that usually leave you a loser by night’s end. That said, victory is all the sweeter when you do win big.

During a hot night, you might feel like bragging to anybody and everybody about your good fortune. However, this is yet another tacky move.

It comes off as rude to nearby gamblers who are struggling. They’re not going to celebrate your big win when they’re hundreds or even thousands of dollars in the hole.

Worse yet, you could attract a mugger’s attention. After all, criminal sometimes hang out in casinos and target big slots winners.

If you’re doing well playing real money slots, your best option is to keep it secret or celebrate the winnings privately with friends/family who are with you.

7 – Standing Behind Somebody and Watching Them Play

When you can’t play the latest slot machine, you might be tempted to watch the action from behind another player. After all, it seems harmless to watch somebody else spin the reels as long as you’re not bothering them.

However, the seated gambler may not feel the same way. They’ll feel pressured or just weirded out when thinking that their every move is being watched.

You’re perfectly fine to stop and watch a few rounds here or there when somebody else is gambling. However, you don’t want to be a weirdo and stalk fellow players.

If you’re out of money and waiting around for a friend to finish playing, then you should occupy yourself through other means. Don’t use your idle time to stand around and interrupt other people’s entertainment.


Slots may not involve as many etiquette rules as the average table game. However, they still require you to show respect to fellow gamblers.

First off, you don’t want to force conversations with players who aren’t in the mood. Some people choose slot machines for the solitude and don’t want to be bothered.

Assuming somebody does feel like talking, don’t ask intrusive questions about how much they’ve won or lost. Such inquiries are as rude as asking strangers about their salaries.

You should also avoid playing multiple machines during busy days. Some players won’t be able to find a good game and may be offended upon seeing you play two.

Another slots taboo to avoid is taking a saved seat. Most gamblers must go to the bathroom at some point and save their seat.

When a gambler does return, you also need to refrain to trying to talk them off the machine. If a player is ready to leave, they’ll leave.

Finally, don’t stand behind other gamblers and watch them play for too long. This is a creepy move that ruins the other player’s fun.

Most of these 7 rude gestures should become commonsense as you continue playing slot machines. But you want to keep these thoughts in mind from the beginning so that you don’t offend other players.

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One of the most entertaining aspects of visiting a bingo hall is the caller. All regular bingo players know the standard calls, such as “two fat ladies” and “legs eleven”, however there are some bingo halls out there that like to spice things up a little by adding rude bingo calls to their repertoire – perfect for a more risqué night of bingo!

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But what exactly are some of the rude bingo calls you’ll find, and why are they used? You can find out more when you read through the page on rude bingo calls below…

There are loads of rude bingo calls out there, some of which are hilarious, others of which aren’t quite as funny. We’ve made a list of some of the best rude bingo calls we’ve heard below – why not get some inspiration from them if you’re thinking of calling the bingo anytime soon? Don’t just use our list though – be creative and try to make up some of your own!

  • Teeth in a whore (4)
  • Sexy Kate (8)
  • Stick your tongue up a hen (10)
  • Keep ‘em keen (19)
  • Getting plenty (20)
  • Adult fun (21)
  • Dirty Gertie (30)
  • Flirty whore (34)
  • I’ve done your mum (41)
  • On all fours (44)
  • Kinky tricks (66)
  • Your place or mine? (69)
  • Let’s procreate (78)

As you can see, some of them are pretty tame, while others are definitely adult only! We’re sure you can also create some others for the numbers missing above. You’ll also find some other examples online, as they were a little too rude for us to include on this page!

Before looking at why rude bingo calls are used, it’s perhaps best to first say this: if you’re thinking about using rude bingo calls at your next game, make sure you read the audience beforehand! There might be some people who bring children along, or there might be more elderly players there. Both of these sets of people might not be too happy if you start calling out rude calls to them! Rude calls are great when you have a group of adults looking for some fun though.

Perhaps the main reason why rude bingo calls are used is for entertainment. The old bingo calls are pretty tame and don’t add an extra dimension of sauciness to the calling process. Rude calls, however, should have players howling with laughter as they try to mark off their bingo cards at the same time. This is especially the case if you manage to make up some hilarious calls of your own.

Rude calls are also often used so that players can identify the number being called – something that is also the case with standard bingo calls. A quick shout of “30” might not be heard by all players, but adding “Dirty Gertie” to the call can leave players in no doubt as to the number called. Some of the more obscure calls might have to be repeated though, especially if they don’t rhyme.

Finally, the ruder calls will appeal to a younger audience – an audience that bingo halls are now trying to target. Younger players now account for a larger portion of players than at any time in recent memory, and anything that attracts them can only be a good thing for the game. Of course, there should always be some less risqué games thrown in as well though, in order to cater towards others in the room.

There is not a standard set of rude calls for bingo, instead meaning that bingo callers have to make them up themselves, or borrow them from others. Rude calls were first used by Butlins and Ann Summers in order to spice up their games, but the original calls from these two companies have been modified and added to over the years.

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There are a few standard bingo calls that are a little rude though – just take “Two fat ladies, 88” as an example. Most people aren’t going to be very happy if you refer to them as a fat lady, but for some reason it has become part of the bingo lingo.

So, there you have it: everything you could ever need to know about rude bingo calls! We think that they add an extra dimension of fun to bingo games (when used at the appropriate time) and they can be great when looking to attract a younger crowd to the bingo hall.

There’s nothing stopping you from making up your own rude bingo calls, so why not have a think right now and come up with some?

If the audience is right you should. An 18-30 audience will appreciate the cheeky calls, however those bringing children to a game, or the elderly, might not be as happy with them.

Brian Rude Slots

There are many ways. You can add extra prizes, for example, or you can theme a night around a topic. Of course, making alcohol available should also help to make the event a fun one!
They were originally used by Butlins and Ann Summers. Since then, rude bingo calls have been added by people up and down the country.
They generally aren’t particularly rude – “two fat ladies” is as bad as it gets. This is because bingo was seen as more family-friendly, meaning rude calls weren’t appropriate.

Rude Slots

Unfortunately, we’ve never come across a bingo site with rude numbers. This is because bingo sites are trying to appeal to the largest audience possible – rude numbers would put some players off.