Odds On Voice Winner
You can wager on The Voice right up until the show's winner is announced - which is good because odds for the show change after individual performances and judgements. Prop Odds for The Voice - Like sports betting, prop bets exist for all kinds of entertainment and reality TV, including prop betting on The Voice. Head to head prop betting is the most common form of this wager, which includes all bets that don't focus on the overall winner. The Voice has multiple prop markets that you can bet on during and before the season. You can bet on whether a male, female or a group will win the competition, you can bet on the age of the winner and you can bet on who the new coaches will be each year. Tips for Picking the Next Winner of The Voice. Picking a winner of The Voice is difficult.
The Voice concludes! DeSz for Team Kelly Clarkson, John Holiday for Team John Legend, Carter Rubin for Team Gwen Stefani, and both Jim Ranger and Ian Flanigan for Team Blake Shelton.
The public only got two week of “live” performances but the odd are have given Carter the best combined odds to win at 16/5 currently. DeSz is polling second with a respectable 18/1 odds, Ian is in third with 35/1 odds, Jim is in fourth with 62/1 odds, and John would be a long shot winner with his 100/1 odds.
The Voice Sesaon 19 Finale
- Tem Kelly has DeSZ left with a chance to win
- Team Legend still has hope for John Holiday
- Gwen Stefani Team features teenager Carter Rubin
- Jim Ranger and Ian Flanigan represent Team Blake
The Voice Odds
Carter Rubin 16-5
DeSz 18-1
Masters Winners Odds
Ian 45-1
Jim 62-1
John 100-1

The Voice Profiles
Carter Rubin
He started this journey as a 14-year -old singing “Before You Go” at the Blind Audition. Carter has the package of former youthful winners an certainly is the favorite to win it all. Gwen has never won the title in her five years of coaching. Carter is now 15 years of age.
Her Blind Audition performance of Toni Braxton‘s “Unbreak My Heart” was one of only three four-chair turns and is a favorite of all songs performed.. She certainly has a chance to garner the public vote and win.
Ian Flanigan and Jim Ranger
Having Blake Shelton as a coach is definitely a plus here as the public tends to vote his performers very well. His voice seems to be thee talk after every performance and that i the name of the show. Don’ t be surprised he if wins it all. Shelton is an excellent coach. Issue here is Ian and Jim Ranger are similar and may split the vote. In the Blind Audition he sang “Angel” by Sarah Mc Lachlan.
John Holaday
Team Legend ill be looking for their second championship as a coach.He has an affinity for oldies and appears to be able to perform all genres. He already had performed Coldplay,Frank Sinatra nd Ella Fitzgerald. He has a wide range to us and a tone unlike any other. Will likely finish last of the five.
The Voice Prediction
This writer goes with Team Blake and Ian Flanigan for the win. Shelton’s draw at The Voice is unsurpassed.
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As you may have gathered from the name, singing is involved. However, the competition's structure, contestant progression, and celebrity presence on The Voice present an intriguing and dramatic approach to finding the industry's most promising and talented undiscovered 'voice'. The Voice is definitely a unique take on talent seeking, and creatively sets itself apart from similar shows such as American Idol and America's Got Talent. Below we've got the details on what promises to be a remarkable season of The Voice, as well as information concerning the odds for who will win The Voice. Many people are unaware that often times, reputable online sportsbooks that are licensed and regulated to provide their betting services to players in the US and around the world offer fans betting lines and Vegas odds on entertainment venues such as The Voice and other reality competition and awards shows.
NBC The Voice 2016 - Season 10
The Voice's 10th season begins February 23rd, and one of everyone's favorite judges is back! Christina Aguilera rejoins the competition and works alongside Adam Levine, Pharrell Williams, and Blake Shelton in training and advising a group of talented singers. Unique to singing competitions, each judge has their own hand-selected talents that compete.
Steeped in star power, The Voice's 10th season will not disappoint. Adam Levine is the lead singer of Maroon 5, one of the best bands in music right now. Covered in tattoos and considered one of the sexiest men alive, Levine brings a unique set of ears to the competition. His years in the music business as the lead singer of a hugely successful pop/rock group demonstrate his expertise in the music industry. He's been a judge for all 10 seasons of The Voice.
Blake Shelton is the only other person to serve as a judge for the contest in all 10 seasons. As opposed to Adam's status as a pop star, Blake gained notoriety as a country singer with an incredible voice. He also has been the adviser for the most winning contestants on The Voice. One of his choices has won in 5 of the 10 contests, most recently in season 7. Incredibly, one of his singers won 3 seasons in a row, from seasons 2-4.
Christina Aguilera returns to serve as a judge, replacing Gwen Stefani from season 8. Aguilera was one of the original judges on the show, serving as judge for the first 5 seasons. Her singing career spans 15 years and 7 albums, selling tens of millions of albums worldwide. Her experience as a popular singer and songwriter lends her the skills to guide and advise up-and-coming pop stars.
Pharrell is the most inexperienced judge of the four. This is only his second season as a judge, but there is no denying his musical talents. Known most recently for the hit single 'Happy,' Williams has produced, written, and sung in an incredible number of chart-topping hits. Criss-crossing the hip-hop, pop, and rock genres, the talented musician helps singers find their sweet spot in the industry.
With the help of one of these judges, the competition's winner will take home $100,000 and a record deal. It's a lot of fun to predict who will win each season. Everyone who makes it into the competition has the talent to win it all and gain the support of millions of new followers who watch the show. Most seasons you will find that the Vegas oddsmakers include this reality competition show in their lines. Betting on The Voice has become rather popular among those fans who enjoy betting but are not die hard sports fans. Sportsbooks have wisely embraced entertainment betting as a way of providing some betting options specifically for this segment of the market. This is the perfect venue for these fans to enjoy following the Vegas odds on The Voice and betting for their favorites. It is too early in the game to see any odds on the potential winner, but as soon as the competition really starts taking shape, you will see odds start showing up on who will win The Voice Season 8.
This new and spicy talent show is based on the reality singing competition in the Netherlands named The Voice of Holland, and features some special celebrity judges and coaches who interact with the contestants, coach them as they progress in the competition and grow as singers, and of course, judge the contestants' performances.
Coaches on the last season include Pharrell, Gwen Stefani, Adam Levine, and Black Shelton. Additional advisers and coaches are invited to participate each season, and they also provide input with the judges/coaches regarding winners of each round. The judges' panel is where some of the best drama occurs, and they can at times be rather unpredictable, adding to the intrigue of the Las Vegas Odds on The Voice This season the original panel of judges returns to the show.
The Winner of the competition will receive a $100,000 cash prize, and a record contract with Universal Republic. That's quite the carrot being dangled in front of our contestants, and is clearly motivating and driving them to work hard, improve each week, and continue fighting the good fight as America, and sports betting enthusiasts sit on the edge of their seats to see the latest Vegas Odds on Who Will Win The Voice.
The Voice series is made up of three distinct phases, including a blind audition, a battle phase, and for the final rounds, the live performance shows. The four celebrity judges / coaches each select teams of participants through a blind audition process in which their backs are to the contestants as they audition. This ensures that nobody is judged on their appearance, and is solely chosen by a coach based on their voice quality.
If a coach decides they like a contestant, they hit the 'I want you button' on their chair and their chair then turns around to face the contestant who is singing. The coaches must make this move while the singer is performing. If nobody turns around during a song, then the singer is eliminated. If more than one judge turns around during the song, than the contestant gets to choose which coach they want to work with.
The first round provides an opportunity for each singer to be heard, and the Las Vegas Odds on Who Will Win The Voice begin to formulate and cook, preparing for the weekly transformation that takes place as the number of contestants is narrowed down to the final rounds of the competition. Each team of singers chosen to participate during the blind auditions will then be instructed, mentored, and have their talent and skills developed by their coach.
The second round consists of the battle phase in which coaches pair up members of their team to battle against each other by singing a duet together. The coaches determine who will sing against whom, and also who wins each battle round. At this point the coach/judge has a team member to help in the coaching and the judging.
The final phase of The Voice consists the remaining contestant competing against each other in live broadcasts where the television audience helps in determining who moves on and progressively narrowing the contestants down to one team member for each coach. Once the final four are determined, they will compete against each other in the finale, which is also a live show.
The excitement is heating up as the show heads toward the final phases of the competition. Do you have a favorite? Do you know who will win? If you enjoy trying to guess the outcome, while also placing a little wager on the winner, you can check out the latest Vegas Odds on The Voice to find out who the odds makers are rooting for, and who's got no chance. Of course, like a television audience voting for their favorite singer, the odds can be fickle, and we really can't be sure each week who will stay, and who will move on. And isn't that the way we love it!?
Remaining Contestants For Season 10 And Odds On Winning
Team Adam - Laith - Al - Saadi
Team Blake - Adam Wakefield
Team Christina - Alisan Porter
Team Pharrel - Hannah Huston
Las Vegas The Voice Betting Odds
The Voice returns on February 23, 2016, and once the teams are set, you'll start to see the latest odds for who will win The Voice appear here.
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